Developer Guide

Implementation of Todo Feature

The todo feature implemented using Todo, which extends Task. Upon receiving an input string that has todo as the first word, the Duke object will instantiate a Todo object with the fullCommand string, which is the input entered by the user. The Duke object will then call the getResponse method in the Todo object with the user input arguments:

Finally, the getResponse method will execute the following steps:

  1. Calls Parser#getCommand(fullCommand) to get an Todo object todo;
  2. Calls tasks#addTask(todo) to add todo to tasks;
  3. Calls storage#saveTasks(tasks) to save all tasks to data file;

The following sequence diagram shows the object interactions when the Duke object calls the getResponse method of the Todo object: TodoSequenceDiagram

The following activity diagram shows what happens when a user enters a todo command: TodoActivityDiagram

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v0.1 new user add a todo task with no deadline be reminded to do this task
v0.1 new user add a deadline task with deadline be reminded to do this task before the deadline
v0.1 new user add a event task with address be reminded to do this task at correct address
v0.1 new user list all tasks view my assigned tasks
v0.2 user find tasks view specific tasks of interest
v0.2 user mark a task as done know which of the tasks are completed
v0.2 user delete a task remove a task that is no longer needed
v0.2 user save all tasks save all tasks to my local folder
v0.3 user check the use help manual learn how to use the app quickly and easily

Non-Functional Requirements

  1. The application should work on any mainstream OS with Java 11 or above installed.
  2. The response time for each command should not exceed 3 seconds.
  3. The average typing speed user should be able to enter any one command within 10 seconds.
  4. The application GUI should be easily and clearly.
